After meeting with my Study Abroad Adviser several times, applying for every scholarship that I could, filing numerous different applications, and swimming upstream through a river of paper work (okay so I may be exercising my right to the use of hyperbole) , it was time for the Pre-departure Orientation. Now, for me, this was not as much pre-departure as it was pre-pre-departure. This was a meeting for all students that would be spending a semester abroad the following semester, because the semester in Germany doesn't start until April this meeting was about four months too early. That being said, I am actually grateful that it was that early.
If you haven't pieced it together yet, I like to have things planned out and ready well before they need to be finished. In fact, that is how I survived my degree, and this experience is really taking me out of my comfort zone. Anyway, the meeting. At the Pre-departure meeting they covered a great deal of information and gave us the last bits of paperwork that we needed to complete before our travels. There were representatives from several different groups that talked to us about anticipating, identifying, and coping with culture shock and depression. I am excited to see what happens and learn to handle it. We also discussed traveling safety in different countries; this is actually one of the things that I am most worried about. Germany is supposed to be a very safe country to travel in, but I am still very worried about my things disappearing I am sure it is just paranoia but I plan on being extra careful. In addition to travel safety, we discussed safe sex. This wasn't anything that we hadn't heard at least a dozen times before, but many people seem to lower their guard in this respect while traveling. I have no idea why, but there it is.
We also had a people make some recommendations on how to make our trip more memorable and last through the years. One recommendation which I am doing right now, was to write a blog during your travels. In addition to this I am planning to keep a daily journal. It may sound weird to some people but it works wonders. I wrote in a journal all through my month long NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) course and I can now revisit memories that would have long since disappeared otherwise. They also discussed the particulars of taking quality photos, making a video blog, and making a summary video of your trip. On suggestion made by another student, was to keep a little book where you write down funny quotes and saying while you are with your friends. The single most common bit of advice I have received is this. Don't just hang out with Americans. I will do my best but it would be nice to see someone from the states once and a while.
To me, the most useful information they gave us at this meeting was the Study Abroad Handbook. I have already discussed the numerous topics and uses of this handbook and it really is a wonderful tool for getting ready to travel. I recommend getting this as far in advance as you can. I think that this meeting was a very important step for preparing to travel abroad. Unfortunately my being myself, it served to enhance my paranoia as much as id did my excitement. As I was told, "If you aren't uncomfortable and at least a little scared, you aren't doing it right." Well I certainly hope so because this is very thrilling and frightening at the same time.
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