So I think this will actually be a short post. I know I have said that before but today there are just two things to discuss. The first was something I knew but did not quite appreciate until the other day. I was just going about my normal day when I broke a dish that was balance on the edge of the counter in our apartment. For some reason, this made me mad, and not just mad, furious. I mean I wanted to piece the plate together just so I could smash it again, and then set it on fire. After I was finished picking up all of the pieces, my anger suddenly morphed into intense depression and self loathing. All of this over a single cheap plate. Now the point of this little anecdote is very simple. When you are stresses, you become very fragile and spontaneous emotionally This is something I already knew and have had plenty of experience with in th process of surviving my engineering coursework. This time it really caught me by surprise, and made me realize just how stressed out I was. Now being stressed is not a bad thing; it simply means that adjustments need to be made and you should be aware of it. Now that I am, I can work to make it better. For future travelers, beware of this little gem and take it as the warning it is designed to be. Don't panic, just keep moving forward. That is exactly what I am trying to do.
On to a more logistical problem. Coming from the USA, expecially Wyoming, I have had little to now experience with public transportation. In Munich I was spoiled by the train system under the city. Here in Braunschweig is a network of Trams and Buses. The schedule is not consistant either. The transports are scheduled more frequently during the busiest hours of the day and become less frequent through the night. In fact, most of the buses stop completely around 8 pm. Seeing as many of my extra activities start at around 8, another form of transportation became necessary. Introducing a wonderful invention known as a bicycle.
Braunscheig is small enough that if you are in almost any of the student housing, you can travel to the University in under 30 minutes. Some of the places I wanted to go were even further away and would have been awful to walk, especially at night. There is a great little store called DiDi's Fahrrad located at Cellar Strasse 5, Braunschweig Germany. This store is a little hard to find but well worth the effort if you are only in the country for a few months. I was able to purchase a previously used bike and lock for only 50 euros. Sure the brakes squeak loud enough to drown out the approach of Freddy Kruger, but it functions and gets me where I need to go with ease. Plus, with brakes that loud, all the drivers are sure to hear me even if the cannot see me, so hey, extras safety measure. Best of all, when I am ready to leave the country, I can sell the bike back for another 15 euros. So by the end of my trip, I will have spend less money on my bike than I have on soda! That's all for today. Gute Nacht.
I've felt the same way from breaking a dish! -Nicole